How well do you know your armour? (Aug '21)
/What protective shield or coping mechanism gets in your way?
Your coping mechanisms? They're not all bad because you’ve developed them over the years for good reason, & often they are there to keep you safe. But it’s whether you are aware enough of them & make sure the balance doesn’t get too far out of whack! One of my patterns is to focus on everyone else other than me, sometimes to the detriment of what I want or need. Such as getting distracted by with well meant yet conflicting advice coming from all sides when helping my son find his 3rd apprenticeship employer in the space of a year (another Covid reality). Whether to help or not wasn’t the issue, it was how much energy & headspace it was taking thinking about what I could or should do. As a very good friend of mine reminded me - worrying wasn’t getting me anywhere & once I decide what I wanted which of course was to reach out to my connections, I got out of my own way - to the benefit of my son. What protective shield or coping mechanisms gets in your way - let me know if you’d like help finding out #leadershipitspersonal