Exploring the Personal Side of Leadership (7 & 8 of 10)…
/My penultimate pairing of qualities & attributes essential as leaders, have me thinking of all the struggles I'm witnessing right now to get this balance right. With so many clients & colleagues, I'm seeing them literally feeling like they have to have their armour on daily to navigate (maybe that's also setting the tone of how I feel about these two as I write?) & I get it. But can you find another way other than 'shields up'; working with what is in your control & how you work with the pressure?
7. Accountability: High on the list as something we need to foster & instil in others, & we do. However, first taking responsibility for one’s own actions & decisions is crucial in leadership, setting an example for the team & absolutely setting or reinforcing the culture. Including how we handle making mistakes, how we handle pressure & how we treat others.
8. Motivation: No surprises this starts with us, we can't help showing when it's missing for us too. But it's definately our role to inspire & motivate team members to achieve their best results, & we can involve them in finding out what will 'really' make a difference. It's not the continuous new campaigns or shiny things that last, but how you engage & treat people that counts.
#leadershipitspersonal #accountableleadership